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Grundhoefer & Ludescher, P.A.
When legal troubles arise within your family, the results can be challenging for all parties involved. You need attorneys who are going to keep the best interest of your family, especially your children, in mind. Grundhoefer & Ludescher, P.A. of Northfield, MN is the right firm for you!
A divorce or custody dispute can take a toll on anyone, so why add the additional burden of worrying about your legal fees?
Grundhoefer & Ludescher, P.A. offers flexible payment plans, including flat-fee options, so you can focus on your case and getting your life back to normal. Call us at 507.645.4451.
Grundhoefer & Ludescher, P.A.
515 Water St. S., Northfield, MN 55057
All Rights Reserved | Grundhoefer & Ludescher, P.A.