Grundhoefer & Ludescher, P.A.

Guardianship/Conservatorship Article
David Ludescher • February 2, 2022

At the prompting of, and with the assistance of the Bench + Bar magazine, I recently wrote an article titled ‘After Britney, An FAQ on Minnesota guardianship/conservatorship law’ that was published in the Bench + Bar of Minnesota magazine. The article covers guardianship/conservatorship law generally, and also the rights of persons subject to guardianships/conservatorships. This is an area of the law in which I have extensive experience. You can find the article here.

Guardianships/conservatorships are important areas of the law that—I believe—are becoming more and more of a concern as people are living longer, often with people assuming that they have diminished capacities. I earned my Certificate of Elder Law and Chronic Care from Mitchell Hamline in 2019, but have practiced for many years in this area of the law. In guardianship and conservatorship cases, I primarily represent those who have a court-appointed guardian or conservator and want to know their rights or want to get a new conservator or guardian. If you or anyone you know has questions about this area of the law or needs representation, give our office a call at (507) 645-4451.

By David Ludeschder February 2, 2020
Grundhoefer & Ludescher was founded in 1952 by two young lawyers Marvin Grundhoefer and Robert Kucera. Marv and Bob were looking for a small town where they could help their clients with their legal concerns on a personal and continuing basis. 67 years later, the founding principles continue to be that you are a person, and not just a case, and that law is a profession, not a business. We know that the law and life is more complex than it was in 1952. That is why, if we cannot help you, we have a list of attorneys who are experts in their narrow fields of law. Now, over 60 years later, Marv and his founding principles are still alive – help your client, not yourself.  With these principles firmly in mind, we at Grundhoefer & Ludescher would like to invite you to learn and be informed about important topics in the law. We hope that you find our resources useful and informative. Reading on your own is never a substitute for sound legal advice, so if you ever want to discuss how our informative topics apply to your real-world legal problem, we hope you will set up an appointment by calling us at (507) 645-4451 or emailing us at We look forward to hearing from you.
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